
  1. Scope 
  2. Expectations for children in nursery
  3. The Rules
  4. All children, including with SEND 
  5. Strategies for Supporting Children
  6. Remote Learning 
  7. Monitoring arrangements
  8. Contingency Plan/Outbreak Management Plan 
  9. DFE Helpline 



This addendum applies until further notice.

It sets out changes and exceptions to our normal behaviour policy. The children, staff and parents should continue to follow our normal behaviour policy with respect to anything not covered in this addendum.

We may need to amend or add to this addendum as circumstances or official guidance changes. We will communicate any changes to the children, staff and to parents.

Expectations for children in nursery

When children are in nursery, we expect them to follow all of the rules set out below to keep themselves and the rest of the school community as safe as possible.

Staff will be familiar with these rules.  They will communicate them to the children in an appropriate way and will support the children to follow them consistently.

We acknowledge that it is possible for some behaviours to have changed during lockdown and the transition back into nursery for some may be difficult given all the restrictions in recent years. We will ensure we support children in this transition process, in partnership with parents and carers.

The Rules

Arrivals, departures, and moving around the school

Children will enter and exit nursery through the front door at the agreed time.  These will be staggered according to age;

3+ year olds to arrive at 7.55am

2 year olds and under to arrive at 8.00am

When leaving nursery, children will wait for their teacher to call their name and will exit using the designated door.  Departure times will again be staggered;

2 year olds and under to be collected at 5.55pm

3+ year olds to be collected at 6.00pm

Previously, movement around nurseries has been limited to prevent transmission.  This is currently not necessary.  Age groups will interact with each other at lunch time and in the outdoor space. 


If a member of staff or a child tests positive for Covid19, that individual is required to isolate.  The Crown Nursery will remain open and fully operational.

Hand washing and hygiene

Children will be expected to follow all hand washing and hygiene routines while in nursery. Children will wash hands/use antibacterial gel as they enter nursery, before and after eating, at appropriate intervals during the day and before they leave nursery. 

We ask children to follow the catch it and bin it mantra when in nursery.   So if they have a cold, they will be asked to use tissues and to dispose of them straight away.

If children need to cough or sneeze, they will be supported to use a tissue or crook of their arm and then wash their hands. Children will be sensitively and appropriately reminded not to touch their face, mouth, nose or eyes while at nursery.

Social Distancing

We understand that social distancing is no longer a requirement.  Staff will be able to comfort young children and all individuals can interact freely again.

Lateral Flow Tests

All staff will be required to do a LFT twice weekly: on Sunday and Thursday.

All Pupils, including those with SEND

The Crown Nursery acknowledges that children will have had a range of different experiences during the lockdown periods which may have an impact on their behaviour presentation in nursery.

Children may have experienced frustration, loneliness, anger, anxiety, bereavement or loss.  The process of re-engagement with learning and with their nursery community, under unusual circumstances, may require some additional input and encouragement.

As a result of these varied experiences children may present with behaviour that is not usual, this may include the following:

  • Separation anxiety; hanging on to a parent
  • Lack of confidence; reluctant to interact with peers and staff, hesitant to join in with activities
  • Challenging behaviour; shouting, crying, physically lashing out
  • Hyperactivity and difficulties maintaining attention; increased physical movement

For some children, including those with attachment concerns, autism or SEND, change in routines and lack of familiarity will require additional adjustment. Nursery recognises that behaviour could be a sign that for some individual children that there is an unfulfilled need and that the behaviour is communicating that there is a problem.  A risk assessment may be required and a plan put in place to support children experiencing difficulties. 

Children with SEND are recognised as being particularly vulnerable and therefore have an need to be re-integrated back into nursery carefully.  We will work closely with parents to implement supportive strategies in a timely way. 

Strategies for Supporting Children

We will use a range of supportive approaches for all children, including those who are struggling with recent experiences and changes to their routines. Planning for this will be child-centred and will be discussed with parents/carers when necessary.  These might include:

  • Social stories
  • Increased sensory resources
  • Scheduled quieter times
  • Visual prompts and resources
  • Use of comforters

We will follow our main behaviour policy for the overwhelming majority of behaviour needs and will communicate any concerns with parents.

Remote Learning

In the very unlikely event that we are required to close, some remote learning will be provided for children through zoom, google meet sessions and/or via The Crown Nursery website. This may include;

  • Shared story times
  • Music sessions
  • French lessons
  • PSHE sessions (personal, social, health education)
  • Art activities

If children are learning from home, we expect everyone to follow our ‘On-line Code of Conduct’.  Parents should read the rules below and support their children to follow them. 

  • Have an adult in the room with you at all times
  • Always use kind words
  • Listen carefully to the adult and each other
  • Mute your computer when asked
  • Ask for help if you need it  

Monitoring arrangements

This policy will be reviewed as guidance from the local authority or Department for Education is updated.

Contingency Plan/Outbreak Management Plan

Extra measures may be considered if:

  • 10% of nursery staff/pupils have tested positive within a 10 day period
  • Instructed by the Local Authority to help manage an outbreak
  • Instructed to prevent unsustainable pressure on the NHS

Attendance restrictions will only be implemented as a last resort and will be in place for the shortest amount of time possible. 

Possible additional measures may include:

  • Increased lateral flow testing of staff
  • Increased hygiene measures, including enhanced cleaning
  • Increased ventilation measures (as long as this does not significantly impact on thermal comfort)
  • Increasing number of outdoor activities
  • Face coverings (unlikely)
  • Limiting educational visits/trips, open days, taster days, parental attendance
DFE Helpline

Phone number: 0800 046 8687