On Line Safety

The Crown Nursery has a regard for the document ‘Safeguarding children and protecting professionals in early years settings: online safety considerations’.

At The Crown Nursery managers:

  • Take responsibility for online safety concerns (Safeguarding Lead)
  • Must ensure appropriate filters and monitoring systems are in place to protect learners from potentially harmful online material
  • Must ensure children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school, including by establishing appropriate levels of filtering”.
  • Monitor the safe use of technology when children and learners are in their care and take action immediately if they are concerned about bullying or children’s well-being.
  • Ensure policies and procedures are easily accessible to staff and parents/carers. They must be published on the setting’s website.
  • Enforce the required policies with regard to the safe use of all technology and online material at the setting.
  • Staff and parents/carers are consulted and actively involved, as far as possible in the development of policies
  • Policies are regularly reviewed and approved by all staff
  • Must be aware of how and why technology is used within the setting by staff and children. This should include types and number of devices, if they are connected to the internet and if so, how (e.g. Wi-Fi)
  • Access to the setting’s network and IT infrastructure is secure, such as use of passwords, screen locks, protected devices if removed from site
  • Ensure appropriate filtering and monitoring are in place and the setting has documented how decisions have been made; advice regarding appropriate filtering and monitoring is available from the UK Safer Internet Centre
  • Ensure access to setting’s devices is managed and monitored
  • Ensure that setting’s devices are kept securely and in line with data protection requirements.
  • Consider the physical safety of users has been considered e.g. posture of children/staff when using devices.
  • Ensure personal data is managed securely online, in accordance with the statutory requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection legislation. This should include considerations given to the use of online learning journals or apps if used.
  • Ensure data is shared online in accordance with the settings data protection responsibilities

All staff should:

  • Understand their safeguarding responsibility and are clear about how it fits into their role on a day to day basis
  • Have read and understood the setting’s policies relevant to online safety - this should include an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) as part of the settings code of conduct.
  • Are familiar with the setting’s policies and procedures regarding safe technology use with children.
  • Online safety concerns are reported to the Safeguarding Lead, recorded and actioned as appropriate
  • Ensure that communication with learners, parents/carers and colleagues should be professional and take place via official setting communication channels e.g. work provided emails/numbers to protect both staff and learners
  • Ensure communication is transparent and not open to scrutiny
  • Understand that it is recommended that staff do not accept friend requests or communications from learners or their family members (past or present). If there is a pre-existing relationship, this should be discussed with the Safeguarding Lead, who will need to consider how this is managed, provide staff with clear guidance and boundaries and record action taken.
  • Understand and follow the procedures for reporting and recording online safety concerns, in line with the child protection policy.
  • Make use of home visits to inform their understanding of a child’s context with regards to technology within the home. (e.g. how much and in what ways is tech used within the child’s family life?)
  • Be aware that if they or another member of staff are targeted online, for example online bullying or harassment they should inform management staff immediately. Managers may find it helpful to access the DfE ‘Cyberbullying: Advice for head teachers and school staff’ guidance.
  • Are clear on the internal and external reporting mechanism regarding online safety concerns. Staff should always involve the Safeguarding Lead who will be able to make decisions about how and when to escalate a concern.
  • Know how to access the settings whistleblowing policy and the NSPCC whistleblowing helpline (Tel: 0800 028 0285)
  • Ensure children are appropriately supervise whenever they are using devices
  • Children are enabled (at a level appropriate to their age and ability) to share online concerns and discussions surrounding online safety are facilitated by staff
  • Check apps, websites and tools prior to using them with children, this should include checking the results of searches
  • Use age appropriate apps, websites and online tools with children - there are details of useful websites that will provide links to appropriate content at the end of the document
  • Model safe practice when using technology with children

Education, Training and Supporting Families

Managers should evidence that:

  • The Safeguarding Lead has accessed training/information to ensure they understand the unique risks associated with online safety for early years children and have the relevant knowledge and up to date capability required to keep children safe online

Managers should ensure that all staff:

  • Are provided with quality and up-to-date online safety training on a regular (at least annual) basis, including at induction.
  • Are aware of the UKCIS framework (Education for a Connected World) which provides information about the skills and competences that children and young people need to have with regards to online safety from the age of 4 upwards.
  • Know how to report a problem and when to escalate a concern.
  • Are aware that civil, legal or disciplinary action can be taken against staff if they are found to have brought the profession or institution into disrepute.
  • Are aware that under no circumstances should any member of staff, either at work or in any other place, make, deliberately download, possess, or distribute material they know to be illegal, for example child sexual abuse material.
  • Are aware of the need to manage their digital reputation, including the appropriateness of information and content that they post online, both professionally and personally.
  • Discuss online expectations and behaviour with their friends and colleagues - for example, have they discussed what photos of them can and cannot be shared by their friends on social media.
  • Are aware that no matter what privacy settings are used, anything posted online can become public and permanent and could be misinterpreted and/or used without their knowledge or consent.

Managers should ensure that all children:

  • Receive age appropriate, progressive and embedded online safety education throughout the curriculum.
  • Use age appropriate tools and resources.

Managers should ensure that parents:

  • Are given opportunities to develop their knowledge of online safety issues for early years children.
  • Are offered support to help them talk about online safety with their children in an age appropriate way.
  • Are signposted to appropriate sources of support regarding online safety at home.
  • Are supported by the setting if they experience an online safety concern.